Wednesday, July 4, 2012

That's Boring: Why classic Literature Is No Longer Relevant to Tech-Savvy Teens (or Not)

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English teachers and librarians often lament the disinclination their students feel toward excellent literature-specifically, anyone written before the twentieth century. Not only, do they believe, that today's young adults need the short-snappy-immediate prose (if one can call it thus) of cell phone texts, but they will no longer read excellent literature on their own, for pleasure's sake, unless it's assigned-and even then, teachers are forced to test against Cliffs Notes and scan for the internet for proof of plagiarized papers. With random predictions forecasting the doom of paper and the downfall of primary libraries, is it a waste of time to branch teens to the likes of Homer and other historic authors while this information Age when bite-sized information is the rule of the day?

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How is That's Boring: Why classic Literature Is No Longer Relevant to Tech-Savvy Teens (or Not)

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For many students, who do not hesitate to complain, the language of past writers is too hard. Since population no longer speak or write the way Shakespeare and Jane Austen did, it makes miniature sense for them to study these archaic modes of communication. After all, they could be developing Power Point presentations which will admittedly be something more relevant to their futures. Of course, the "too hard" ideas is something English teachers should never succumb to or accept when they rush to defend centuries-old literature. The vast majority of students may not go on to come to be experts in Medieval Literature, but they can each advantage from the self-discipline a reading of Othello, Beowulf, or Crime and Punishment provides.

Though surely, self-discipline is a timeless trait that goes beyond a study of English Literature; it could be gotten from a myriad of other disciplines such as Geometry, Computer Programming, illustrated Design, etc... So, getting to the interrogate of relativity-are works of excellent literature still relevant to high school students today when, as statistics show, they are reading record-breaking contemporary texts like Harry Potter and the Twilight series? And admittedly population colse to the world (and we may as well talk globally in this day and age) are reading the 175,000 books that publishers are publishing annually; they admittedly wouldn't be publishing books of any sort if no one bought them.

A measure of these 175,000 published books are paperbacks-reprints of victorious books, many of which happen to be classics (at least for now). But rather than veer into the virtual world of statistics, it may be insightful to revisit some classics to check out their value first hand, or at least through the lens of this article. The following classics continue to be relevant in terms of article and more to population today.

Moby Dickby Herman Melville symbolizes the dread of teens stuck in American Literature classes everywhere. Why, when none of them are like to go a-whaling should they spend weeks reading and discussing this singular work that seems so far removed from their contemporary lives. There could be a consulation of why the novel is singularly prominent to the foundation of American Literature, but the uncomplicated relevance the novel has can be summed up as a study of good and evil, humankind's relationship with nature, and the need to interact successfully with fellow mankind. Its themes are timeless and no one has yet to carry them as profoundly as Melville did with this singular work.

In 1995 South Carolina-born Susan Smith was convicted of murdering her three-year-old and fourteen-month -old sons by strapping them in the backseat of a car and driving to a ramp on a lake where she released the brake and watched as the car deliberately plunged into the water with her children and sank. Theories for the horrendous murders abounded, but a murderous discontent and a new man were in part of her life at the time of the incident. In 431 B.C. The antique Greek tragedian Euripides first produced the drama Medea. The character of Medea does the unthinkable-she kills her own children to rob her cheating husband of his offspring. Horror, in its inexplicable guises, is still a part of human civilization and how much great to plummet its motivations than within the harmless pages of a book? And why not begin at the starting of Western Literature with a poet who catalogued human motivation like no one else.

Teen reproduction is not a new concept; had you asked Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century he could tell you all about Tess and how a youthful indiscretion resulted in reproduction which indirectly led to her own untimely death. Nor is Hardy's text an indictment against promiscuity; indeed, he favored Tess among all his excellent heroines. Instead, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, written at the end of the Victorian era, is an indictment against society, religion, and the population in Tess's life who shunned her with their morality, a shunning which resulted in her downfall. It's true the Victorians, even the late Victorians like Hardy, tended to be verbose and employ the English vocabulary on a grand scale, but miniature can rival the power of Hardy's heroine except, perhaps, Nathaniel Hawthorne who wrote a miniature American tale of his own fallen woman titled The Scarlet Letter. Should teen girls be mental about the ramifications of unplanned reproduction in the twenty-first century? Millions are spent on educating them; there's no reckon that Hardy and Hawthorne couldn't help.

But before this exam turns into a consulation of fallen literary women, think the relativity of a character like Homer's Achilles who appears in the Iliad. Forget the fact that he's the son of a goddess (Thetis, Greek goddess of the Sea); today's fantasy-fed, vampire-loving teens will swallow that anyway. Achilles is a warrior sent to Troy to fight in the ten-year conflict it took to win back Helen, the Angelina Jolie of the antique world. Achilles, in his grief over a fallen comrade, breaks the rules of warfare and damages his own sense of honor. With America currently at war in manifold locations, a study of Achilles is not only relevant, but possibly important and possibly it all the time will be so long as peace remains an elusive state.

Luckily antique Greek texts of the Iliad are adapted into English, but persnickety English teachers still wish students to read Shakespeare in its primary form. Its true writers no longer write in iambic pentameter, except by opportunity and even then it goes unnoticed, but the Bard's characters are as relative today as they ever were. For example, King Lear raises a passel of ungrateful daughters. Loyalty, treachery, villainy, loves-these are often at the heart of Shakespeare's plays and they never go out of style despite the language barrier. Once students get a handle on the language, more times than not, they come to be fascinated at the relationship they have to history through this language and how the characters remind them of themselves and others.

And possibly it comes down to that-the reading of others, others who have, thus far, stood the test of time. When teens read and discuss characters they make judgments that could and probably will influence their own judgments as adults. There are many quips and quotations that warn of the failure to understand history like those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. excellent literature is relevant because it offers the opportunity for readers to empathize in depth, understand at length, and tune out of their own universe for a while. Tuning out of technology can bring calm, discipline, and refreshment to minds that seem to be born to multitask. admittedly one can cry out the contemporary relevance of a slew of classics from Pride and Prejudice to Moby Dick. Until kids design their own taste for literature, it could be the situation could be likened to eating their vegetables-they need to do it because it's good for them.

2011 Moira G Gallaga

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