Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

###Top Ten Math Tips For Parents### Advertisements

Math can be a difficult field for many students. Most children loose interest in mathematics, simply because they think it's too hard. Parents and teachers may find it difficult to motivate their students to unblemished their math assignments. Here are some suggestions to help your students in solving their math problems and overcome their fears:


1. Encourage Them!

You can heighten your children's learning quality by providing them a determined environment. Many teachers often forget to encourage the efforts of their students. Children should be appreciated when they correctly solve their math problems. Teachers should mark their assignments, leniently. They are advised to keep their tone and attitude positive, since children can assuredly pick up signs of negativity.

2. Result up on Homework

Teachers must ensure that children understand their homework. If the students are facing problems then the teachers should properly elucidate the assignment to them. Children will feel easy once they know what they have to do. Teachers can supplementary help by guiding them on what they should do the difficult parts. They should be able to judge the students response: do they understood the problem or not? Children must be provided supplementary aid if they need it. Parents need to monitor the develop of their children to make sure that they are doing fine. They should encourage them for their good performance.

3. Demonstrate the use of Math

Parents can also use real life examples to teach math to their children. School going children can learn a lot from every day examples. simply ask them to reckon the money you have to pay for tickets, next time you go out to the movies. Try multiplying the number of cars of two different colors.

4. Real Life Math

Explain to your children how they can use math to solve their problems. They should understand that math is not about using straightforward arithmetic skills like increasing and subtraction; it is much more than that. Children can use their mathematics skills to solve every day problems. They can find out how many pieces of pizza you need to cut so that it can be shared in your family. Just go beyond the daily assignments and let your children observe the real world problems to heighten their mathematics. This will show them the true value of math in their lives.

5. Get them to talk!

Encourage your kids to talk. Tell your child to solve their math problems by talking about the precise steps. This will allow you to monitor what he or she is thinking. You can detect the problem areas while your child is talking his way through the steps.

6. Everyone loves money.

You should teach your children money skills. Your kids can use fractions and percentages to find out how much savings they have made on a single purchase. For example if your children went to a movie that costs and they have saved , so in terms of fractions they have saved 1/3 of the number or 33%

7. Telling Time

Teach your children how to tell the precise time. Use digital and analog clocks for this purpose. You can talk with them about, seconds, minutes, hours and days.

8. Make Math Games

Learning mathematics should be a fun performance for your children. You can combine math with assorted games to make it entertaining for your children. Other efficient methods of teaching involve use of flash cards that test the child's math skills to help him get better in mathematics.

9. Use Computers

You can growth your child's learning speed by using computers and assorted educational software. Today's children are much more well-known with computers than their parents were at the same age. There are many computer games that involve the use of math skills. Senior students may be concerned to learn about spreadsheets and calendars to heighten their mathematics.

10. Talk to Teachers

Parents and Teachers should chronicle with each other on a frequent basis. They should help the students in learning the allowable mathematics skills. Parents can play an critical role in enhancing their children's carrying out by ordinarily communicating with the teachers. They can work with the teachers to solve their children's problems.

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

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