Thursday, August 2, 2012

Diamonds: Gemstone of Love and Affection

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Do you know about - Diamonds: Gemstone of Love and Affection

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The word solitaire dates back to the aged Greek word "adamas" meaning invincible. aged Greeks view diamonds were the tears of the gods. aged Romans believed the stone, when worn on the left shoulder and touching the flesh, would help in battle by making the warrior brave and daring. Being the hardest known substance on Earth, the properties of diamonds strongly reflect its solidity.

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How is Diamonds: Gemstone of Love and Affection

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Diamonds are the consequent of thousands of years of intense heating and pressure of pure carbon. This ultimate formation allows the stone to become the hardest and clearest substance in the world. They are also unique in the fact that they reflect all the colors in the spectrum, and originate a prism when light passes through. Its charm and uniqueness makes the solitaire one of the most sought after and marketable gemstones. Its durableness enables it to be a magnificent stone to set in a piece of jewelry to signify eternity.

The origins of giving a solitaire engagement ring dates back to 1477. Archduke Maximilian of Hamburg presented Mary of Burgundy a solitaire ring as a proposal to marriage. The tradition of wearing the ring on the fourth finger from the left was started by the aged Egyptians. They believed there is a vein that goes from that finger up to the heart. This symbolized the link to the heart and marriage. When buying that most foremost piece of jewelry four characteristics should factor in the price of a diamond.

The four "C's" to look for in a solitaire are color, cut, clarity, and carat. Color; Although the most sought after solitaire is the colorless verity, diamonds can come in a verity of color. These colors contain red, pink, yellow, blue, green, and purple. These prices can depend on the popularity, rarity, and intensity. The colorless solitaire will be the most expensive because of its high favor. Cut; The geometry of cuts on a solitaire is what gives the gemstone its sparkle. The quality of these cuts can bring up the value and price of a diamond. Clarity; Any inclusions or flaws will bring down the luster of a diamond. It will impact the amount of light that passes straight through the stone and diminish its sparkle. Carat; Diamonds are sold in carats. The bigger the carat the more rare and expensive it becomes. Smaller diamonds are more common because of their likeliness to be flawless and glittery. Diamonds are not only know for their charm but also their mystical abilities.

When worn, diamonds are view to enhance relationships as well as inner strength, help with balance and clarity, and boost inevitable energy. Arabians, Persians, and Egyptians attribute diamonds to be the bearers of good luck.

Its medical properties are said to aid in the relief of brain disease and pituitary glands. It was view to be a remedy for poisons and used to combat the use toxins. Other cultures contradict this view and view diamonds to be a deadly poison.

Diamonds are the designated birthstone for the month of April and can be given to celebrate the 10th wedding anniversary. Diamonds have an affinity for all signs but mostly attuned to Pisces.

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