Friday, August 3, 2012

Space Clearing and House Harmonizing With Feng Shui

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House Harmonizing with Sacred Geometry

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How is Space Clearing and House Harmonizing With Feng Shui

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Sacred Geometry

Is the earth measure; it is about measuring the angle of the sun onto the earth. By using the old measurements nearby the house we can generate total harmony. We can use earth acupuncture to hold these points with rocks or triskels buried into the earth. Triskels neutralize Emf and raise vibration.

We place them in 4 points nearby the house and in 3 places inside the house. Triskels are energy wheels that generate a vortex and when place on sacred points it takes the energy underneath the house and transforms and balances the energy. They are a shape found in many traditions (Celtic, Hindu, Japanese, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Native American)

How do they function to clear a house?

They are energy converters; you need the sacred measurements underneath for it to work. The stronger the energy underneath it creates an equal strength in balancing.

Once you have your 3 triskels up you will get a special structure that appears called a triple enclosure; this will surround the face of the house. The three first ones are inside the auras.

After the clearing whatever that left cannot come back. This is how sacred places were protected.

House Clearing, Space Clearing & Feng Shui

are practices of techniques, old and modern, that corollary change in the environment of our home, workplace and self. House Clearing is practical magic. It is the study of how to insure the wholesome circulation of energy throughout these environments in order to increase our vitality and health, enhance our mental attitude, stimulate creativity and productivity, enhance our relationships and gain clarity and insight. The most sufficient way to use House Clearing is to know exactly what you want to accomplish, to be clear about your intentions. You can use these old arts and sciences to their maximum benefits through the power of intention. Where intention goes - energy flows.

Space clearing is used to break up any stagnant energy within the home, refresh it, stabilize it and infuse it with your intentions. Here are some practical examples of space clearing that could be determined a vital part of uplifting the chi (energy) of your home.

Space Clearing is a ritual found in practically every primary or native culture in the world. It is a fine skill that enables the practitioner to change the climate of the home from one of stagnant energy to one of vibrant health, promoting and spiritually enhancing energy. In primary cultures, space clearing, or having your home blessed, has always been determined a vital operation when keen into a new home. Typically, when the body's own energy becomes acutely stagnant, symptoms organize along with irritability, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm or stamina, and depression.

Space Clearing / House & Land Ceremonies

Most clearings and ceremonies can be done in 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the house or business. If your home or enterprise is more than 3000 quadrilateral feet, it is a good idea for us to talk about what definite problems and conditions may be in your space and we can evaluation how much time it may take.รข€¨
When You need Space Clearing

1. Clearing the Predecessor Energy
When you move into a new home or office, it is foremost to consider who occupied the space before you and what has occurred there. Their health, happiness, and chi have all affected the space. Even if the new home is stripped bare of all the furnishings, the patterns of their chi will still remain. This predecessor chi will be strongest where they slept, where they sat, and along the 'pathways' that they created as they walked nearby the rooms.

There will also be parts of a room or the home that they may not have used for varied reasons. This could be a spare bedroom or a angle of a room where a piece of furniture stood hiding a corner, thereby not allowing chi to circulate easily. They may have unconsciously reacted to an existing stagnation or contributed to it in their use. Establishing a wholesome circulation of chi throughout the home is imperative for your health on all levels.

2. After corporeal or Psychological Illness
If you or person in your home has been ill for a critical period, the vibration of the home will be affected. When person is seriously ill at home, the daily disposition is affected. The occupants' communal life is often inhibited and there is an climate of stillness, quietness and nervous apprehension. For the person who has been ill, there may have been suffering, pain and anxiety. For the occupants who share the space, their energy plainly becomes more subdued. Space clearing after corporeal or psychological illness will certainly enhance the chi of the home and set the tone for a fresh, keen future.

3. After Big Life Changes
Stress from today's hectic lifestyle can affect all of us. The most fine causes of 'dis-stress' comprise divorce, bereavement, end of a relationship, and loss of a job or change of career. Once we have come to terms with our grief, discontentment or anger, it is time to move on. Rather than living in an climate of chi that is expensed by the past, it is important, when appropriate, to clear the old and move forward.

4. After disagreement in the Home
Burglary or, worse, assault in your home creates an climate of chi that needs to be cleared. The space has been violated and many population narrative feeling uncomfortable when entering their home after such an event. On a lesser level, if you have had violent arguments within the home recently, these have certainly left their mark on the atmosphere. Constant bickering and fighting for months or years on end allows this negative chi to seep into the space and generate an climate that supports further disharmony.

What is involved in a session?

There are as many dissimilar methods of Space Clearing as there are cultures in the world. The rituals that have been used comprise the use of herbs, chants, potions, symbolism, spiritual ceremonies, blessings, sacrifices, gifts, fruits, plants, and holy water. Sometimes, the timing of the event to coincide with the planets or moon cycles strengthens the effect. Space clearing can be drawn from Native American traditions, Celtic ceremonies, early Christian rituals or Balinese methods; but an exploration of your ancestral traditions may be the best course of operation for you.

Clearing With Dragons Blood

Dragon's blood also has many mystical and spiritual ritual applications and can be used for purposes of enhancing mental science, magic (including mind magic), space clearing, and purification.

It also fosters and promotes good luck, success, love (even beneficial to return a previous lover to you if you desire this), and safety (from negative energy and spirits). It has very strong money drawing and love-drawing properties. The resin is certainly more fine than Sage and nothing clears stagnant and negative energy from a home best than Dragon's Blood. Actually, it is best to alternate between Sage and Dragon's Blood when clearing energy.

The best way to clear one's home (of negative energy and/or unwanted entities) is to pour sea salt onto a plate in the form of a pile, like a itsybitsy mountain. Make a hole in the middle of the pile and place Dragon's Blood powder or incense pieces in the hole. Set the Dragon's Blood ablaze (with fire) so as to cause it to smoke and walk from the back of the house, room by room (setting your intention), to the front entry door of the home. Make sure you certainly go face of the front door. There you can put out the smoke.

In the case of negative spirits or entities, one's intention should be a strong and clear request for the entity to leave the house fully due to it being unwanted. Smoke alters vibration as well as impacts it, even on the etheric plane of existence which is the plane of ghosts (Earthbound spirits) and other entities along with poltergeists (angry and belligerent ghosts).

If you can't find incense resin pieces of Dragon's Blood, the incense (on a stick) kind can suffice. If you are dealing with strong negative energy or evil entities, burn a aggregate of Dragon's Blood, Sage, Lavender, White Copal, Frankincense, and Myrrh daily.

Also, place black colored crystals, i.e. Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, etc., in the room or home to be exorcised as well as stones/crystals of Amethyst, Celestite, Selenite, and Angelite.

Selenite grids are extremely recommended for rooms as well as the whole house. Place Selenite sticks in every angle of a room and/or home. Corners serve as an entryway (or entrance) and/or portal for spirits, negative and positive. This is why a lot of people, especially children, see things in the angle of a room.

Dragon's Blood is a plant of attraction. It helps to attract success, romance and love, good luck (facilitates good karma), wealth and riches (including money). It also promotes fertility, especially in females.

A piece can be placed in one's Love angle of the home (along with pink-colored stones) to attract and raise love and romance, as well as placed in one's Wealth or Money angle of the home (along with green colored crystals and other gemstones related with wealth, abundance, and prosperity) to attract material wealth and money.

Dragons Blood Clearing

History in a space, whether rented or owned, tends to repeat itself. Make the space your own by removing patterns, conception forms, trust systems, entities and the irk of the previous occupants. Historic structure have generations of the past to remove, but even the patterns of building workers on a new building are foremost to eliminate.

Materials Needed:

1.) Dragon's Blood resin, Frankincense resin, and Myrrh resin
2.) Charcoal used for resin incense burning
3.) Aluminum pie pans (one for each "station")
4) Disposable lighters.

Note: All these incense resins come in itsybitsy packets and are filled with chunks of colored blocks about the size of a small pebble.

The Ritual: It is propose getting help from a spouse and/or friends when doing this deep cleansing. Not only is it less overwhelming, but feedback from clients confirm that the cleansing is more sufficient when done with at least another. best yet, have a "Space Clearing Party." generate a feeling of fun as well as success-invite a few of your friends over for the purification ritual of your environment! Pay them back with pizzas and drinks in your new, improved feeling dwelling!

1. generate multiple stations for incense burners. An reasonable but entirely effectual middle point is fashioned by getting an aluminum pie pan and filling it to the top with sand or dirt. Put one of the charcoal disks in the center of the pan on top of the dirt. Place this makeshift incense burner on an daily plate, then the whole thing is placed on an oven mitt. Put it on the floor in any room or on top of a table. Be very right and safe! The charcoal burns very hot!!! Make sure that you have adequate stations so that every quadrilateral inch of area can receive the smoke of the Dragon's Blood. Putting a middle point in every room is not critical but practice your intuition on how many stations you need to create. This is not the time to be conservative.

2. Open up at least one or more windows and/or a door foremost to the face in each room. If a room does not have an face evacuation, make sure that connecting rooms which do have face windows and/or door are properly opened.

3. Open up all doors in each room of space, along with closet doors, bathroom doors, toilet lids, the door to the oven, kitchen cabinets, and so on. The Dragon's Blood smoke encourages all energies to remove themselves from the premises and because the front/back doors and windows are open, it gives these negative influences an exit.

4. Procure the resins together and visualize/imagine the clearing out of all negative influences and the positive, peaceful feelings this ritual will generate for your space.

5. Light each charcoal on each middle point first. Hold the flame from a lighter under the disk until it starts to spark. You may wish to hold the disk with metal tongs to safe your fingers.

6. When you are sure each charcoal disk is staying lit, add about a thumbnail size estimate of Dragon's Blood powder to each middle point (the hammer is your friend-crush the pieces of resin into powder-because adding a piece that is too big to the charcoal tends to melt the incense on it and puts the whole thing out. Avoid this!) When it is clear that each middle point is smoking well, Leave The Space. Take Your Helpers, Children And Pets And Be Gone For 20 Minutes. This assures safety for you and your loved ones as these energies are clearing out. Let them do all the hard work. Though one round of burning the Dragon's Blood resin is frequently enough, occasionally two or three times of repeating steps 6 fully becomes necessary. If you feel any unpleasant feeling anywhere, in any room upon returning, all stations must be prepared to burn an additional one 20 itsybitsy round of Dragon's Blood. It is worth the thoroughness. Use your intuition.

7. Return to your space (after the first, second, or third time) and place Frankincense and Myrrh on the same charcoal stations. If you needed to burn more than one round of Dragon's Blood, it might be critical to add a new lighted charcoal disks to each station. Frankincense and Myrrh smoke brings back the clear energies and Higher thoughts. You, your loved ones, and friends may stay during this part of the process.

8. The last step of the ritual is to apply the Three Secrets Reinforcement: Stand in the center of your dwelling and visualize/imagine that the ritual was sufficient and that good, clear things as well as desires are arrival to you certainly and effortlessly.

Say out loud: "The Dragon's Blood Space Clearing was extremely sufficient and my home (office) feels amazing, positive, and supportive. Miracles happen daily. This or something best for the top Good now occurs."

Note: Never again does such a deep cleansing need to occur in this particular space, but I strongly propose repeating the Dragon's Blood ritual monthly carrying just one middle point as you walk from room to room. Again, doors and windows are open to let the negative energies out. Nobody needs to leave during these times as it is clearing you and your loved ones' own personal patterns and energies. Remember always to end with the burning of Frankincense and Myrrh resins. Finally, do the Three Secrets Reinforcement ritual assuring effectiveness.

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